CTLL Vol. II is up for online reading.

Good evening Critical Thinkers!

Just a quick update for our members and non-members on the goings-on of the CT SIG.

Things have been busy this last month with the CT SIG. We have been busy vetting proposals for the CT/ SD&D SIG Event on July 31st in Nagoya. It is looking like we are going to have a full card for this event. Way to represent the best of JALT CT SIG members!

The latest CTLL is available for download and online reading at the CTLL page: HERE. Check it out if you haven’t gotten a physical copy. Enjoy!

Members should have received their digital copy of the CT Scan. If you did not get your copy, please contact the Coordinator: James Dunn.

Lastly, we are still accepting submissions for our third volume of STLL. We will be accepting your manuscripts until June 30th. Make sure to send it in early to help expedite the vetting process.

That’s it for this latest update. For more detailed information on the event and the CTLL submissions, please check your latest CT Scan issue.

Critically yours,

The CT SIG Executive Board

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